We do not guarantee that just by joining GIEC’s certification programs you will be hired for a full-time job since it purely depends on your performance, knowledge, skills and efforts. In case, if you are unable to comply with the required set of skills even in the second free course term then GIEC’s job guarantee terms and conditions shall become null and void however we will be glad to support you with job assistance and provide you lifetime course access, updates & support at no additional cost.
There is a shortage of trained human resources to carry out E-Commerce and E-Auctions which are basic requirements of any company.
Global E-Auctions and E-Procurement is interfaced with Global Institute for
E-Commerce with following objectives:
and E-Auctions which are basic requirements of any company.
Global E-Auctions and E-Procurement is interfaced with Global Institute for E-Commerce with following objectives:
1. What GIEC does?
2. Our Director, Dr. S. B. Saraswat has written a book “A Practical Guide To E-Auctions” 75 Ideas for increasing your Company’s profit
This book covers the following topic:
3. For more details on book, please visit the link as per below: