• Training Modules

    • In Reverse Auction, bidders bid the lowest bid to supply the goods and services to the buyers.
    • RA is used for purchase of goods and services and finalization of contracts

    • In Forward Auction, bidders make the highest bid to get the sale of goods and services from the seller.
    • FA is used for sale of goods and services

    • A multicurrency e-auction is an electronic auction where participants can bid in multiple currencies.
    • This setup allows sellers to reach a broader audience by accommodating bids in various currencies, enhancing competition and potentially leading to better pricing outcomes.

    • A multicurrency e-auction is an electronic auction where participants can bid in multiple currencies. This setup allows sellers to reach a broader audience by accommodating bids in various currencies,
    • enhancing competition and potentially leading to better pricing outcomes.

    • A Yankee e-auction is a type of online auction where multiple identical items are sold simultaneously, and bidders can place bids on varying quantities of the items at different prices.
    • It's particularly useful when selling a batch of goods that are identical but can be distributed across multiple bidders.

    • A Japanese e-auction is an online auction format that is an ascending auction, where the price of an item gradually increases until only one bidder remains willing to pay the current price.
    • This type of auction is similar to an English auction, but with a structured and incremental price increase, and it ensures that the final price reflects the maximum amount the highest bidder is willing to pay.

    • A Vickrey e-auction is a type of sealed-bid auction in which bidders submit their bids without knowing the bids of others.
    • The highest bidder wins the auction, but the price paid is equal to the second-highest bid. This auction format is designed to encourage truthful bidding, as bidders are incentivized to bid their true value for the item.

    Build your own B2B marketplace. Work and trade more effectively with your customers, suppliers and business partners by automating key business processes.

    GEAP B2B Marketplace is an online solution space committed to revolutionize the industry practices of purchase business management. This is a digitally integrated commercial platform which is a strategic enabler in driving supply chain efficiencies, through disintermediation and a transparent approach connecting buyers and suppliers

    Our aim is to help buyers and suppliers build vertical specific marketplaces, optimize revenue streams through a secure and transparent platform, enriched with advanced tools whilst fully integrating the end-to-end procurement solution.

    Procurement of goods in an organization starts from analyzing its historical purchasing and planning its next cycle’s procurement depending on its current business goals. GEAP Marketplace makes purchasing seamless & transparent and ensures purchased goods’ tracking available in supply chain pipeline.

    • E-Transport Auctions are used for finalization of transportation contracts for various destinations and types of Vehicles.
    • These E-Auctions work on RA platform

    • In E-Rank Auctions, bidders are not able to see the bids of other bidders.
    • They can see only their rank and last bid. Bidders bid on the philosophy of “bid to win” to get the highest/lowest rank as the case may be.
    • Rank E-Auction also helps in controlling the cartel formation. In this type of E-Auction, the client is able to keep his prices confidential except for the H1/ L1 bidders.

    • “E-commerce and E-Auctions are new ways of doing business”
    • Benefits of E-Auctions
    • Advantage of E-Auctions over physical auction
    • Difference between auction and E-Auctions

    • Not suitable when bidders are limited
    • Clear and complete specifications are necessities
    • Lack of E-Auctions training is a constraint
    • Clients to have one mode for transaction

    • Higher average cost reduction is achieved through E-Auctions
    • Buyers can expand their potential suppliers
    • Removes the human factor from price negotiation
    • Reduces the corruptions

    • E-Auctions are simple and transparent process
    • Receive real-time feedback
    • Increased business opportunities
    • Becomes simple and quick

    • English Auction
    • Dutch Auction
    • Forward Auctions
    • Reverse Auctions
    • Sealed bid Auctions
    • Sealed-bid second-price Auctions
    • Yankee Auctions
    • The VickreyAuctions
    • Silent Auctions

    • Who is Service Provider (SP)?
    • Fee/Charges
    • SP ensures bidders participation, enablement, training and comforts
    • Certification of software

    • Freeze the scope for E-Auction
    • Lot finalization for E-Auctions
    • Decide the E-Auction date, time and duration
    • Decide the terms and conditions of E-Auction

    • Client is the individual or business organization that is legally authorized to sale or purchase the goods and services. He has hired the service provider for performing agreed business activities in E-Auction on behalf of client.
    • Client authorizes service provider to accomplish certain business activities on his behalf as per terms and conditions of agreement with service provider.
    • Client is responsible to consent/approve the draft design of E-Auction prepared by SP with or without changes as deemed fit.
    • Client is required to clear the acceptance of final bids and winning bidders either in advance by authorizing the SP within the range of bid values or after conclusion of E-Auction.

    • Bidder is the person/organization who aims to win in E-Auction for the lot he has decided to participate.
    • Bidder organizes to meet all the requirements stipulated in tender enquiry by meeting the eligibility criterion and other requirements.
    • A bidder understands and follows all the rules and guidelines of E-Auction provided by the service provider.
    • Bidders logs on to computer system through allotted user ID and password and participates in the E-Auction by giving online bids.

    • Steps in web designing
    • Hosting of E-Auction website
    • Provision for E-Payment
    • Digital signatures

    • Corrective and preventive actions against defaulting bidders
    • Impacts on E-Auction of tendency of a bidder to win more than his financial capacity
    • It is wrong to negotiate by client with bidder after winning of E-Auctions
    • Close interaction of service provider can bring consistency in bidding behaviour of bidders in E-Auctions

    • Get the requisition from client for E-Auction
    • Finalize all details of E-Auction to be conducted
    • Inform details of E-Auction to bidders and organize extensive publicity
    • Prepare the E-Auction catalogue

    • Client’s term and conditions for E-Auction
    • Benefits for registered buyers and sellers
    • General terms and conditions of E-Auction
    • Conditions of lifting and delivery of materials

    • Why E-Selling?
    • Management support and actions to initiate E-Selling
    • Key success factors in E-Selling
    • Prepare E-Selling strategy

    • Challenges of E-Procurement
    • Top seven benefits to the E-Procurement process
    • E-Procurement is sensitive and important
    • Elements of E-Procurement procedure

    Case 1 - Success story of RA for transportation of a leading Steel Tubes manufacturing Company in India
    Case 2 - Success story of RA for transportation of a leading Paint manufacturing Company in India
    Case 3 - Success story of RA for international shipping including custom clearance of a leading Auto parts manufacturing Company in NCR region in India
    Case 4 - Success story of RA for transportation of a leading Engines manufacturing Company in India

    • Introduction to E-Commerce
    • Types of E-Commerce
    • B2B E-Commerce
    • B2C E-Commerce
    • B2G E-Commerce
    • C2C E-Commerce
    • Components of a successful E-Commerce transaction loop
    • Relevance of Internet to E-Commerce?
    • Advantages of E-Commerce for businesses

    Rule #1 Keep testing...
    Rule #2 Avoid clutter...
    Rule #3 Consider a countdown indicator...
    Rule #4 Offer 'free' delivery...
    Rule #5 Leverage customer reviews...
    Rule #6 Make your copy sing...
    Rule #7 Set up a referral programme...
    Rule #8 Run a secure site...

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing
    • Webinar Production
    Content Marketing (Blogging & Article Writing)
    • Downloadable Content Offerings (eBooks, Whitepapers, Webinars)
    Email Marketing
    Social Media Marketing
    • Video Production

    • Strategy clarity for website
    • Determination of E-Commerce business model
    • Determining Market segment
    • Selection of Domain and Platform for Website
    • Content strategy
    • Setting up Payment gateway
    • Designing Store for adding Products
    • Choosing appropriate shipping software

    • Applications in Sale
    • Applications in Purchase

    • E-Commerce Security Risks
    • Dimensions of E-Commerce Security
    • Management of E-Commerce Security

    • Investment in Web Design
    • Search Engine Marketing and Optimization
    • Publication of Articles and News Stories
    • Content marketing
    • Social media
    • Email marketing
    • Reputation management

    • Foolproof Security
    • Easy integration
    • Detailed reporting
    • Invoicing options
    • Multiple payment options
    • Fast processing speed

    • Operations strategy
    • IT infrastructure
    • Store presentation
    • Order Logistics and Fulfillment
    • Domestic and Global Shipping
    • Inventory Management

    • E-Commerce content
    • E-Commerce content strategies
    • Content channelization

    • What is E-Commerce Store Management?
    • Product Selection
    • User experience
    • Inventory Management